In my discussions about change, I present many ideas and concepts that I use to keep me moving forward. One of the most powerful mindsets is the ability to persevere. What is perseverance? To me it is the will to keep going in face of seemingly...

I have briefly written about passion in some of my previous blogs. It is an important enough topic to discuss in some detail. What does passion mean to you? It is likely different than what passion means to me. My definition of passion is something that...

This was written months ago. The mess in Washington has driven me to publish this so after months of no blogs this goes out. Please pass this along to everyone and email to your Congressmen and the President it is a message they need to...

As I mentioned I had a business trip to Billings this week. I left at 4am Sunday so I could have some time before my flight to Billings early Monday morning. As I have previously written I hate these early morning flights because I have...

Sometimes the most potent medicine for what ails us lies within ourselves. I have covered a lot of subjects in my blogs. One requires that I act. I must learn to better manage the stress in my life. We all know stress kills – it...

We live in an age characterized by a lack of trust. Many don't trust politicians, kids don't trust their parents and many workers don't trust their coworkers, bosses or companies. This lack of trust has slowly spread and become ingrained in our culture and lifestyle. How...

The term minimalism is also used to describe a trend in design and architecture where in the subject is reduced to its necessary elements. Minimalist design has been highly influenced by Japanese traditional design and architecture. In addition, the work of De Stijl artists is...